
I haven't posted in a while because I've been debating as to how much I should openly share on here.  This news affects the progress of how fast (or even slower) I'll get projects finished.  It's very early to be revealing this but it changes everything so I will share....

I'm pregnant.  There are women who power through projects while pregnant. Not me.  I'm exhausted beyond words on a daily basis.  I'm also one of those nutty, hippie, organic moms who worries about everything that comes in contact with me. From paint fumes to nail polish I try to be as chemical free as possible.  It's incredibly hard to do when working with epoxy resin, spray paint and grey water. 

I was working on a few DIY projects that I didn't want to reveal until they were finished. Now, I'm going to need the help of my husband to get them done.  This is going to be an interesting challenge but one that I think will bring us closer together.  He's not that handy around the house. I think it's because he was never introduced to home repairs, not because he doesn't have the skill.  He can repair timer belts and all kinds of other things underneath the hood of a car.  If he can do that then he can spray paint....although this is the last thing he spray painted.  

Dare I let him put the finishing coat on an oven door?

This seems like a good point to talk about and remind myself of why I started this blog.  When we moved into this house all my time was taken up with the birth and care of our daughter. One day I was so frustrated by our lack of progress that I wanted to move out. I wanted to find a place that was finished.  Then I found a picture of the house just before we moved in. I realized we had done a lot considering our circumstance.  The realization prompted me to keep record of how we are evolving....and KriselKeeper was born.

I've noticed in the last two years that parents of young children manage to do complete DIY remodels of their homes. I'm not one of those parents.  While focusing on projects it takes away time and attention from the child when they need it the most, in their infancy.  I'm ok looking at our decrepit front yard as long as I see my daughter blossom.  As she gets older she won't need/want me around as much and the house will start to take shape faster. The house will always be here. My daughter's youth will not.    

We also have no supportive family here to help us. My family is in Florida and his family.....lets just say they're in Alaska.  There is a blog I absolutely love.  Ashley Ann: under the sycamore. Man, this woman is talented. A mother of 4 young children, brilliant photographer and crafty with sophistication.  I feel like a slacker when I read her blog, but she has a huge supportive family.  All the difference.  

On a different note I could use all of my new found friend's support on here.  This is my fifth pregnancy and I have one child. You can do the math.  I had to terminate one at 6 months pregnant due to hydrocephalus. The baby had no cerebellum.  And I had two miscarriages just recently in the last four months.  If you have an extra positive thought or prayer send it my way.  Daily, I'm visualizing a healthy, happy child in my arms.  So far things are going well.....but it's still early.

So, I will continue to do a good amount of research for future projects.  I will try to do as many projects before the kid is born (like the king size bed that we will definitely need) and I will continue to tell you all, all about it.  Thanks for being here with me as we evolve in our home.


kriselkeeper: Changes....

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I haven't posted in a while because I've been debating as to how much I should openly share on here.  This news affects the progress of how fast (or even slower) I'll get projects finished.  It's very early to be revealing this but it changes everything so I will share....

I'm pregnant.  There are women who power through projects while pregnant. Not me.  I'm exhausted beyond words on a daily basis.  I'm also one of those nutty, hippie, organic moms who worries about everything that comes in contact with me. From paint fumes to nail polish I try to be as chemical free as possible.  It's incredibly hard to do when working with epoxy resin, spray paint and grey water. 

I was working on a few DIY projects that I didn't want to reveal until they were finished. Now, I'm going to need the help of my husband to get them done.  This is going to be an interesting challenge but one that I think will bring us closer together.  He's not that handy around the house. I think it's because he was never introduced to home repairs, not because he doesn't have the skill.  He can repair timer belts and all kinds of other things underneath the hood of a car.  If he can do that then he can spray paint....although this is the last thing he spray painted.  

Dare I let him put the finishing coat on an oven door?

This seems like a good point to talk about and remind myself of why I started this blog.  When we moved into this house all my time was taken up with the birth and care of our daughter. One day I was so frustrated by our lack of progress that I wanted to move out. I wanted to find a place that was finished.  Then I found a picture of the house just before we moved in. I realized we had done a lot considering our circumstance.  The realization prompted me to keep record of how we are evolving....and KriselKeeper was born.

I've noticed in the last two years that parents of young children manage to do complete DIY remodels of their homes. I'm not one of those parents.  While focusing on projects it takes away time and attention from the child when they need it the most, in their infancy.  I'm ok looking at our decrepit front yard as long as I see my daughter blossom.  As she gets older she won't need/want me around as much and the house will start to take shape faster. The house will always be here. My daughter's youth will not.    

We also have no supportive family here to help us. My family is in Florida and his family.....lets just say they're in Alaska.  There is a blog I absolutely love.  Ashley Ann: under the sycamore. Man, this woman is talented. A mother of 4 young children, brilliant photographer and crafty with sophistication.  I feel like a slacker when I read her blog, but she has a huge supportive family.  All the difference.  

On a different note I could use all of my new found friend's support on here.  This is my fifth pregnancy and I have one child. You can do the math.  I had to terminate one at 6 months pregnant due to hydrocephalus. The baby had no cerebellum.  And I had two miscarriages just recently in the last four months.  If you have an extra positive thought or prayer send it my way.  Daily, I'm visualizing a healthy, happy child in my arms.  So far things are going well.....but it's still early.

So, I will continue to do a good amount of research for future projects.  I will try to do as many projects before the kid is born (like the king size bed that we will definitely need) and I will continue to tell you all, all about it.  Thanks for being here with me as we evolve in our home.



Blogger Poindexter said...

My most positive wishes and energy and prayers headed your way, pronto! Thank you for sharing. Hugs to everyone. xoxo

July 24, 2010 at 3:09 PM


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